Monday, March 31, 2008

Parish Media Liason Posts

3-31-08 Make the Connection
In celebration of Father Peter West's visit to our parish this week, my "Make the Connection" picks are and

The PFL website has info, resources, a schedule of air times for radio and television programs and more to help you learn about and become involved in Pro Life issues.

The Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) has a thought provoking show hosted by Father Frank Pavone, National Director of PFL, called Defending Life. It airs Friday nights at 10pm on Charter Cable channel 96. Or you can watch via Live feed on Windows Media Player or Real Player through your computer. There are also archived audio versions of the show at Each week Father and his guests cover a different topic, share facts and include ways we can all help increase awareness on life issues with insight, action compassion and truth. This week's topic will be The Silent No More Awareness Campaign in Canada and the Prayer Campaign (