Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Faith in the voting booth

Make the Connection: Faith in the voting booth.

With only days until our big election day, I'd like to give you some resources to help you finalize your decisions in a way that upholds your Catholic values.

One podcast I find particularly helpful when researching for my Make the Connection articles is the Catholic New Media Roundup by Canadian Sean McGaughey. http://www.cc.ductapeguy.net/. He recently compiled a list of Catholic resources to help you make an informed decision at the polls in the US and Canada: http://delicious.com/ductapeguy/catholicvot0e

No matter what and who you decide to vote for, please join me in praying for our elections, giving thanks for our awesome privilege and right to vote, as well as praying for God's will to be done. Www.Catholicvote.com has a prayer page designed to encourage and focus prayer for the elections: http://www.catholicvote.com/prayer.aspx

And to think, next week, it'll all be over!

If you have questions or suggestions for "Make the Connection", feel free to contact me!

Peace of Christ to you!
Kerry Madden, The Catholic Parish Media Liaison

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