Thursday, August 20, 2009

Make the Connection with Movies and more!

Netflix, Blockbuster and DVD avenue are among the top rated Online Movie rental subscriptions but did you know that their is a Catholic alternative?

Pius Media was created by a couple with 4 children who desired to "help families like ours to find great, wholesome entertainment for their families that is not contrary to the faith".

Their intro states: "We are your source for movies depicting the lives of the saints, children’s movies, educational tools for Religious Education teachers, conversion stories from the greatest apologists, Catholic-friendly Hollywood movies, and some great old television series.
Christian purity requires a purification of the social climate. It requires of the communications media that their presentations show concern for respect and restraint. Purity of heart brings freedom from widespread eroticism and avoids entertainment inclined to voyeurism and illusion. Catechism of the Catholic Church 2525 "
I am excited to start my own subscription and share these great movies with my family while supporting a business that strives to uphold our common virtues and help make the world a better place.
Check them out at
If you have questions or suggestions about "Make the Connection", feel free to contact me!
Peace of Christ to you!
Kerry Madden

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